The experience of being young is a similar one around the world

In the 1970s, the rock shows I designed toured the world and I saw the same audiences having the same experiences, drinking the same drinks and eating the same burgers.

The last show my design and staging company was involved in was Live Aid, which was a visible portrayal of that world youth culture. Later as a businessman selling the TV rights to live broadcasts like the Nelson Mandela shows or concerts by Elton John, Billy Joel or Genesis, I travelled the world seeing how music, TV and film created a youth culture that broke away from thousand-year-old domestic cultures, and let youth stand proudly and together.

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Today, for the first time there is a truly international commercial culture around the world, and only the companies that can command international respect will truly succeed.

YO! will have to reach out across the world and across cultures, in the same way as The Beatles or The Rolling Stones did.

We are the World.

USA for Africa

Whether you live in Moscow, Madrid or Moosedroppings, Iowa, young people grow up in an international popular culture as well as in their own historical culture.

Pop culture extends from movies to music, from sport to just chatting, and is communicated through TV, media and the Internet.

Communication is what the Internet was invented for, not marketing and selling. I look forward to a day when loyalties and relationships are to like-minded communities rather than geographical locations, and these communities span the planet bringing us ever closer as human beings.